We’ve had our head in the clouds for a while (see what we did there?) but we’re almost ready to release Plus.Live – a new portal that gives Businesses a range of cool Cloud Tools directly integrated to the Business System.
Think of Plus.Live as a “home” for a range of unique business tools, all aimed at helping Small and Medium sized business “get stuff done.”
We have two of these Applications in Beta almost ready for release.
The first release will be Snapshot.Live –our instant BI Dashboarding and reporting tool:
- The difference between Snapshot www.SnapshotBI.com and Snapshot.Live is that SnapshotBI is an On Premise (desktop) option, limited to a few vendors;
- Snapshot.Live is a Cloud BI Tool which comes with a Data Connector for major vendors of Business Systems. In addition, customers will be able to add their own connection to almost any Business System using the Plus.Live API.
Our second “cab off the rank” will be Sales.Live – our sales mobile tool. We’re pretty excited about this too. More about that once we’ve released Snapshot.Live.
More applications are also in development. Stay tuned!